
Burnewang North currently run both commercial (150) and stud herds of Santa Gertrudis cattle for breeding, pasture management and commercial sale purposes.
The choice of Santa Gertrudis cattle was made as they are attractive, adapt easily to a wide range of climatic conditions and are a large beef breed who are hardy. Santa Gertrudis cows are renowned for producing calves with small birth weights and rapid weight gains to weaning and have excellent maternal instincts. Our commercial herd are crossed with Charolais bulls to enhance size and weight of resulting calves. These weaners are highly valued when they hit the market.
The Stud Herd currently numbers 30 Santa Gertrudis purebreds/classified cows and 1 Pure Bred Bull. We are consistently learning about the intricacies of stud cattle and will be persisting with this in the future.
The purchase of Yulgilbar Director (pictured below) in 2010 was an investment in the breed and he has shown great promise with his resulting stock and fertility both very positive. He is a son of the Australian Record Price Warenda Sahara who was an $80,000 bull when sold.

We currently run approximately 1500 ewes on the property with 25 rams. We produce in excess of 1200 lambs per year and have consistently fetched top prices in the market place.